These photos are taken from the recent tragedy, which is coming in Uttrakhand (India). The nature was going wrong at famous Hindu's Shrines Kedarnath Dham, Badrinath Dham and also in Hamkund Sahib. The report said that there were more then 50K pilgrims died in this tragedy.
"No one can do anything in this situation but as a human being we should help the people who were become the victim of this tragedy. A small donation also will be helpful for them, I have already donate 5000 INR and I hope you guys also come forward and may donate as per your capacity. No need to pay high amount, you can donate even 100 INR. Following are the link of online donation of Prime Minister Relief Fund and CM Relief Fund Uttrakhand."
PM Relief Fund -
CM Relief Fund -
Note - Please share this Message so that ever Indian can participate in this good cause.