
This is The Greatest Feeling

Getting the last piece of food that’s stuck in your teeth out:
This is The Greatest Feeling
Now this is the greatest feeling in our life. I know you will also agree with me and feel like this. These are the small things but they are giving us a lot of happiness. You can see this in this post and if you agree with me then don't forget to share this - Kanika Sweet
Plunging your hands into a bag of uncooked rice:
This is The Greatest Feeling

Getting into bed right after you’ve washed your sheets and taking your socks off:
This is The Greatest Feeling

When the vending machine takes your dollar on the first try:
This is The Greatest Feeling

A full tank of gas:
This is The Greatest Feeling
Pushing this back and forth:
This is The Greatest Feeling

Pressure washing:
This is The Greatest Feeling


This is The Greatest Feeling

Having your head scratched:
This is The Greatest Feeling

Rubbing glue on your hands and peeling it off:
This is The Greatest Feeling

Watching your coffee and milk mix:
This is The Greatest Feeling

When you’ve been congested for so long and your nostrils finally open up:
This is The Greatest Feeling

Opening a book to the right page on the first try:
This is The Greatest Feeling